Data Protection and Privacy Policy


Following will be presented detailed information regarding the handling of your data of a personal nature by MAJESTIC HOTEL & SPA.

Details of the Data Controller
  • Legal Entity: MAJESTIC HOTEL SPA, SL
  • Address/Postal code: Paseo de Gracia 70 – 08007 Barcelona
  • Telephone Hotel: +34 93 488 17 17
  • Telephone Bookings: +34 93 492 22 44
  • Email: [email protected]

Data Protection Officer (DPO): You can contact our DPO by means of the following email address: [email protected]

Duty of Information and Consent for Handling of Your Data on the Part of Majestic Hotel Group

By accepting this Data Protection and Privacy Policy, the user is informed and provides their free, specific, unequivocal consent for the personal data that they provide while making online bookings as well as any other data provided via any other contact forms on the website to be incorporated into the Majestic Hotel Group databases, comprised of the companies integrated in the GROUP, which are the owners or managers of the hotels, for the correct provision of services contracted or requested by the user through the website, especially for the purpose of managing individual and group bookings and offering users booking availability at all times, as well as offering enhancements in the conditions of their stay (price, dates, services included...) at any of the hotels in our chain.
You will find detailed information about the Majestic Hotel Group at the following link
By accepting this Data Protection and Privacy Policy, the user is informed and provides their free, specific, unequivocal consent for the personal data that they provide while making online bookings to be added to databases belonging to MAJESTIC HOTEL SPA and to Leading Hotels of the World, Ltd (a hotel consortium belonging to Hotel Representative, A.G.) of which MAJESTIC HOTEL SPA is a member, for the purpose of managing individual and group bookings and offering users booking availability at all times, as well as offering improvement in the conditions of their stay (price, dates, services included...) at any hotel that forms part of Leading Hotels of the World, Ltd.
As regards the application of data protection regulations, Leading Hotels of the World, Ltd. acts as data controller for any data that the user provides when making their booking. If you would like further information about Leading Hotels of the World, Ltd., please consult its website

Purpose of Handling

MAJESTIC HOTEL SPA and the Majestic Hotel Group will handle the data of a personal nature that you provide via this website, as well as any that you provide by any other means in the future, for the following purposes:

  • Managing bookings: This includes handling data as required to make and arrange individual or group bookings, both via the website or through our Central Reservation Service, as well as handling your data for sending confirmation or documentation regarding the booking made and the terms and conditions of the same.
  • Booking terms and conditions are available on the website.
  • Improving your stay and experience at MAJESTIC HOTEL SPA: This includes the data of a personal nature as necessary to improve your stay, such as preferences regarding our rooms, services, and/or any other special request submitted by the user.
  • Managing any kind of request, suggestion, or general query regarding MAJESTIC HOTEL SPA and its services via the “Location and Contact” section on this website.
  • Managing any kind of request for information regarding rooms and suites at MAJESTIC HOTEL SPA via the “Rooms and Suites” section of this website.
  • Managing any kind of request regarding luxury apartments at MAJESTIC HOTEL SPA via the “Apartments” section of this website.
  • Managing any kind of request or query regarding halls and stays at MAJESTIC HOTEL SPA for meetings or events via the “Meetings and Events” section of this website.
  • Managing any kind of request or query regarding our beauty treatments, massages, and about our SPA in general via the “Majestic Spa” section of this website.
  • Managing any kind of general request regarding our restaurants at MAJESTIC HOTEL SPA via the “Restaurants and Bars” section of this website.
  • Managing data provided by candidates for a job vacancy via any of the contact forms provided to them on this website for the purposes of selecting and recruiting staff. You expressly authorize MAJESTIC HOTEL SPA to process your data for the stated purpose.
  • Managing data provided by candidates for a job vacancy via the “Work with Us” section on this website for the purposes of selecting and recruiting staff. You expressly authorize MAJESTIC HOTEL SPA to process your data for the stated purpose.
  • Sending promotional offers and marketing communications from MAJESTIC HOTEL SPA and from Majestic Hotel Group regarding our services, including information on new promotions and discounts on room bookings, accommodation services (hotels and apartments), catering (restaurants, bars, and terraces), SPA treatments and services, information for improving your future stay, as well as any other information relating to hotel and tourist sector services at any of the hotels that form part of the Majestic Hotel Group.
  • Video-surveillance and access control for visitors, guests, staff, and vendors of MAJESTIC HOTEL SPA.
Processing of Data Belonging to children under 16 years of age.

This website is not intended for children under 16 years of age, for this reason MAJESTIC HOTEL SPA does not store or collect information relating to them. If any record reveals that the data subject is under 16 years of age, it will automatically be blocked.

Criteria for Data Retention
  • Booking details: MAJESTIC HOTEL SPA and MAJESTIC HOTEL GROUP will store your data of a personal nature related to bookings for the time necessary to comply with the purposes described in this document. At the end of the relationship between the customer and the hotel, for whatever reason, the data of a personal nature will be stored in the case that any responsibilities could arise between MAJESTIC HOTEL SPA and the user and/or pursuant to any other regulatory frameworks that apply to the entity or to a legal standard that requires the conservation of data. Personal data will be stored in such a way that will allow the identification and the rights of the data subjects to be exercised, under the legal, technical, and organizational measures necessary for guaranteeing the confidentiality and integrity of it.
  • Data from Curriculum Vitae : MAJESTIC HOTEL SPA and Majestic Hotel Group may store your CV for a maximum period of one year. After that time, it will automatically be removed, pursuant to the principle of data quality.
  • Other data provided to MAJESTIC HOTEL SPA via any contact form will be stored by MAJESTIC HOTEL SPA and by Majestic Hotel Group for as long as necessary to comply with the purposes described in this document.

The legal basis for the handling of data is the consent provided by the data subjects regarding:

  • Making and arranging individual or group bookings, both via the website or the contact centre and/or by any other means.
  • Guest registration at MAJESTIC HOTEL SPA and managing their stay.
  • Processing and managing any request for information or query regarding our services via any of the contact forms made available on this website.
  • Sending hotel and tourist sector marketing communications from MAJESTIC HOTEL SPA and Majestic Hotel Group.
  • Management for the purpose of recruiting processes.

Following, the recipients of your data of a personal nature are explained.

  • State security forces and agencies: The data of a personal nature for guests and clients provided when registering at MAJESTIC HOTEL SPA will be transmitted to the state security forces and agencies pursuant to the provisions of Article 12 of Spanish Law 1/1992, of 21 February, on the Protection of Public Safety, amended by Spanish Law 4/2015, of 30 March, on the Protection of Public Safety.
  • Majestic Hotel Group companies (INMA, S.L, MAJESTIC SPORT, S.L, MURMURI RAMBLA, S.L, EXPLOTACIONES ROSOTEL, S.L), companies that form MAJESTIC HOTEL GROUP, for the purpose of sending you marketing communications and promotional offers regarding services, including information on new promotions and discounts on room bookings, catering services (restaurants, bars and terraces), SPA treatments and services, information for improving your future stay, as well as any other information relating to hotel sector services from any of the hotels that make up the Majestic Hotel Group.
  • HRAG GROUP: MAJESTIC HOTEL SPA may transmit your data to LHWS Services GmbH, a company that forms part of the HRAG Group, which will process your data to send you promotions and offer you their own services pursuant to the terms and conditions provided. Your data will only be transmitted with your consent.

The data of a personal nature is obtained directly from the interested parties, from our partners, and from online booking platforms, such as,, el Tenedor, eDreams, etc.
The categories of data of a personal nature that we are provided with by our partners are:

  • Identification data: first name, last name, address, nationality.
  • Contact details: email address, telephone number.
  • Other data: data in relation to the booking provided by the interested parties in the open fields of forms provided on these platforms.

Right to Access, Rectification, and Erasure: Interested parties are entitled to obtain confirmation regarding whether MAJESTIC HOTEL SPA is handling any data of a personal nature regarding them or not. Interested parties are entitled to access their data of a personal nature and ask for inaccurate data to be amended or, where applicable, request erasure of the same when, among other reasons, the data is no longer required for the purposes for which it was collected.

Right to Restriction and Objection: Under certain circumstances, interested parties may request a restriction on the handling of their data, in which case, we will only store it for the exercise or defence of legal claims. Under certain circumstances and for reasons relating to their particular situation, interested parties may object to their data being handled. MAJESTIC HOTEL SPA will stop handling data in these situations, except for when there are pressing legitimate grounds, or for the exercise or defence of possible legal claims.

These rights may be exercised over our channel:

Updates and Amendments

MAJESTIC HOTEL SPA reserves the right to amend and/or update information regarding data protection as necessary for proper compliance with the data protection regulations. If any amendment is made, the new copy will be published on this page, where you may access the current policy. Our relationship with users will be governed, at all times, by the rules in place at the time the website is accessed.

Information about Cookies
We use our own and third-party cookies to analyze our services and show you advertising related to your preferences, based on your browsing habits. If you continue browsing, we will consider that you accept their use.
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