Majestic Hotel & Spa Barcelona is the first and so far the only 5-star Deluxe hotel in Spain with certificates ISO 9001, ISO 14001 and EMAS


Certification ISO9001

(Spanish Normative – European Normative -International Standards Organization): “Systems of Quality...

The ISO 9001 is an international normative for the management of businesses that guarantees that customer needs are met adequately. The management of this quality system is the ideal framework for the supervision and improvement of any service.

In terms of quality, it is the most widely established and best known normative. However, it is not just applicable to the Management of Quality Systems, but to any system in general.

The ISO 9001 helps to improve the internal working of any organization and to set it apart from any competitor in the sector that does not use it. Besides, this certificate facilitates performance evaluation, risk management and the involvement of employees thanks to improved internal communication.

The audit of the quality management system focuses on the operative process. This is an incentive for the improvement of services and product quality. The ongoing evaluation-visits can promptly detect any deficiency in the employees’ abilities or any problem that may affects team work.

The structure of the ISO 9001, based on plan, do, check and act, ensures that customer needs are better known and taken into account.

Certification ISO 14001

UNE-EN ISO 14001

The ISO 14001 is an international normative for the establishment of an effective system of environmental management. This normative was designed to strike a balance between profitability and the minimization of any negative environmental impact.

Once implemented, this set of procedures on environmental management will affect all aspects of hotel management in terms of environmental responsibility and, therefore, all environmental matters will be dealt with systematically in order to improve pro-environmental behaviour. The ISO 14001 focuses on the organization itself; providing a set of standards based on the procedures and guidelines that a hotel must use to create and maintain a system of environmental management.

This normative improves internal communication and, in term, this makes teams feel more motivated, mainly thanks to their own suggestions regarding environmental improvements. On the other hand, periodical evaluations ensure that there is always room for supervision and improvement of the pro-environmental performance of the company. Finally, the implementation of normative ISO 14001 shows that the organization meets a series of legal requirements.

To summaries, product & service compliance with international normative ensures their quality, safety and reliability.

EMAS Regulation

Eco-Management and Audit Scheme (EMAS)

The Eco-Management and Audit Scheme (EMAS) is an E.U. voluntary normative which acknowledges organizations that, like our own, have implemented an Environmental Management System (EMS) and are committed to ongoing improvements verifiable by independent auditors.

Hotel Majestic meets this normative and, therefore, it has a clearly defined environmental policy; making use of an environmental management system and reporting periodically about its performance via an environmental declaration form that is then verified by independent auditors.

The main aim of EMAS is to promote improvements in the pro-environmental behaviour of hotels on an ongoing basis by means of the establishment and implementation of environmental management systems; the evaluation of those systems in a methodical, objective and periodical manner; the media coverage of pro-environmental results; the establishment of an open dialogue between the public and other parties involved; and the active involvement of the organizations’ staff as well as their proper training.


Sustainable lifestyle

For having managed to demonstrate compliance with the Biosphere Sustainable actions aligned with the 17 Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nations 2030 Agenda, to involve employees in a common project and to be positively valued by its customers.

"This recognition demonstrates our involvement and commitment to sustainability as an indispensable part of our concept of luxury. This certification will also enable us to reinforce our culture of sustainability and to position ourselves more competitively within the sector, as we understand that the ultimate goal is to work to offer the best of ourselves in the present, with the aim of preserving the future". Pascal Billard, General Manager


Our commitment to sustainability

This specific sustainability recognition for hotels awards eco-stars based on environmental impact per stay. Ecostars is internationally recognised by the World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) and has the equivalence of standards by the Global Sustainable Tourism Council (GSTC) in its "GSTC Recognition" programme. In addition, Ecostars is a B Corp company that evaluates the sustainability of hotels through criteria such as energy efficiency, responsible water consumption, offsetting CO2 emissions, recycling, use of sustainable products, ethical and socially responsible food practices, and ethical labour relations. At Majestic Hotel & Spa Barcelona, we are committed to sustainability and offer our guests an environmentally conscious experience.


Excellence in environment, community and sustainable practices

We are proud to be part of The Leading Hotels of the World's Sustainability Leaders. This exclusive group recognises hotels committed to preserving the environment and cultural values of their destinations. With more than 50 member hotels, this distinction guarantees that Majestic Hotel & Spa Barcelona has obtained high-level sustainable certifications, endorsed by the Global Sustainable Tourism Council. Our commitment is reflected in three fundamental areas: Environment, Community and Culture. We focus on making a positive impact on the world and the community around us.


Commitment to Sustainable Building

We have achieved BREEAM certification, an internationally recognized distinction in building sustainability assessment. This certification reflects our firm commitment to sustainable construction and environmental protection, ensuring that our buildings not only meet the highest standards but also make a positive contribution to the environment. This distinction highlights our dedication to offering innovative solutions that combine energy efficiency and sustainability, thereby ensuring a positive impact both now and in the future.


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